Effectively split chunk with Webpack + @loadable/components
There are many articles about Code Splitting in ReactJS, as well as why we should code splitting, how we implement it,… Today, I will share my hands-on experience of applying code splitting on my real project.
Before code splitting
As you can see in the above image, the main
chunk is the largest one. Watch closer, there is a yourAccounts
module inside it. In my project, there is a Home page and YourAccounts page. So I wonder, how the hell there is yourAccounts
module in main
Tracking the problem
What are we looking for? I’m looking for an import
statement with from
includes “yourAccounts” keyword. I start with the entry file of main
/* webpack.config.js */
entry: {
main: './src/client.js',
Open this file, I just focus on start of the file, because almost import
statement declared here.
/* src/client.js */
import { loadableReady } from "@loadable/component";
import React from "react";
import ReactDom from "react-dom";
import TagManager from "react-gtm-module";
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom";
import App from "src/app";
Most of them are from 3rd party, so I continue with src/app
file. Keeping this work file by file, until I see this file.
/* src/routes/index.js */
import loadable from "@loadable/component";
import React from "react";
import LoadingSkeleton, {
} from "src/components/loadingSkeleton";
import { URL } from "src/resources/constants/url";
import AccountHistory from "src/screens/yourAccounts/mobile";
import AccountHistoryDetail from "src/screens/yourAccounts/mobile/detail";
import privateRoute from "./privateRoute";
import renderRoutes from "./renderRoutes";
import routeWrapper from "./routeWraper";
Just ignore the file name, you don’t need to know what it is.The point is, there are import
statements that import file from “yourAccounts”. Because of these lines, yourAccounts
module is bundled within main
chunk. Just simply replace those lines with dynamic import statement by @loadable/component
/* src/routes/index.js */
const AccountHistory = loadable(
() => import("src/screens/yourAccounts/mobile"),
const AccountHistoryDetail = loadable(
() => import("src/screens/yourAccounts/mobile/detail"),
After code splitting
Now the yourAccounts
module is split into separate chunk, as you can see in the above image. Just a small work of my daily experience, but I hope this blog can help someone who’s looking for a way to apply code splitting effectively.
Thanks for reading